My science experiment testing Aristotle’s theory of falling objects


I chose this project because I thought it was a lot of fun doing a hands on experiment and all. Something I did really good in this assignment is I made sure to hold the bottles at the exact height each time so that my experiment results where accurate. One thing I could have done better in this assignment is sometimes I forgot to record my results right away and then I had a hard time remembering what to write down. Something interesting about this assignment was that we got to actually do fun things like throw bottles in the hall.

My amazing tusc project for English Language Arts


I chose this piece because I think task is one of the most fun things we do at school. Something I did well on this piece is I gave a lot of detail and when I was doing my task and everyone thought my humor really paid off. One thing I could have done better in this pieces I could have spoken a little louder and moved about the room. Something interesting about this assignment as I get to pick what I want to talk about for tusc.

My amazing tusc project for English Language Arts


I chose this piece because I think task is one of the most fun things we do at school. Something I did well on this piece is I gave a lot of detail and when I was doing my task and everyone thought my humor really paid off. One thing I could have done better in this pieces I could have spoken a little louder and moved about the room. Something interesting about this assignment as I get to pick what I want to talk about for tusc.